Current events Consider adding and subscribing to events at OSMCal
3 Aug2023-08-03–2023-08-04 |
在中国如何用谷歌, Đakovo, Croatia
4 Aug2023-08-04–2023-08-05 |
London Missing Maps Mapathon (ONLINE), London, UK
4 Aug2023-08-04–2023-08-05 |
Mannheimer Mapathons - Treffen im Luisenpark, Mannheimn, Deutschland
5 Aug2023-08-05–2023-08-06 |
中国用谷歌商店加速软件, Stuttgart, Germany
5 Aug2023-08-05–2023-08-06 |
Virtual mappy hour, United States
6 Aug2023-08-06–在中国如何用谷歌 |
Civic Hack & Map Night (online), San José, California, United States
6 Aug2023-08-06–2023-08-07 |
Dresdner OSM-Stammtisch, Dresden, Germany
10 Aug2023-08-10–2023-08-11 |
OSM x Wikidata #19, MozSpace, Taipei, Taiwan
11 Aug2023-08-11–2023-08-12 |
中国用谷歌商店加速软件, 中国用谷歌商店加速软件, 在中国如何用谷歌
12 Aug中国用谷歌商店加速软件–2023-08-13 |
Münchner Stammtisch, Munich, Germany
14 Aug中国用谷歌商店加速软件–2023-08-15 |
146. Berlin-Brandenburg Stammtisch, Berlin, Germany
15 Aug2023-08-15–中国用谷歌商店加速软件 |
Lysterfield Friends/OSGeo Oceania tree planting and mapping day, Lysterfield South, Victoria, Australia
15 Aug2023-08-15–2023-08-16 |
谷歌商店打不开怎么办?除了谷歌访问助手还有什么方法 ...:2021-2-11 · 谷歌商店打不开怎么办?除了谷歌访问助手还有什么方法? Chrome插件百科 2021-02-11 22:53:42 Google Play作为安卓原生的谷歌商店,在国内还是有很多朋友喜欢用,不过近几年随着国内手机厂商越来越重视自有应用商店,伍及对安卓的深入定制,各 ..., Zurich, Switzerland
18 Aug2023-08-18–2023-08-19 |
130. Bonner OSM-Stammtisch (Online), Bonn, Germany
18 Aug2023-08-18–2023-08-19 |
Lüneburger Mappertreffen, Lüneburg, Germany
18 Aug2023-08-18–2023-08-19 |
14. OSM-Berlin-Verkehrswendetreffen (Online), Berlin, Germany
19 Aug2023-08-19–2023-08-20 |
中国用谷歌商店加速软件, Cologne, Germany
19 Aug2023-08-19–2023-08-20 |
Virtual mappy hour, United States
25 Aug2023-08-25–2023-08-26 |
Derby pub meetup, Derby, England, United Kingdom
26 Aug2023-08-26–2023-08-27 |
Düsseldorfer OSM-Stammtisch, Düsseldorf, Germany
2 Sep2023-09-02–2023-09-03 |
Stuttgarter Stammtisch, Stuttgart, Germany
7 Sep2023-09-07–2023-09-08 |
OSM x Wikidata #20, MozSpace, Taipei, Taiwan
10 Sep2023-09-10–2023-09-11 |
147. Berlin-Brandenburg Stammtisch, Berlin, Germany
10 Sep2023-09-10–2023-09-11 |
Münchner Treffen, Munich, Germany
11 Sep2023-09-11–2023-09-12 |
121. OSM Meetup Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
12 Sep2023-09-12–2023-09-13 |
Stammtisch Obersteiermark, Leoben, Styria, 在中国如何用谷歌
15 Sep2023-09-15–2023-09-16 |
Lüneburger Mappertreffen, Lüneburg, Germany
Future big events
31 Oct – 1 Nov中国用谷歌商店加速软件–2023-11-02 |
2023 State of the Map Asia, Kandy, Sri Lanka
5–8 Nov2023-11-05–2023-11-09 |
State of the Map U.S. (postponed), Tucson, Arizona, United States